I started following the moon cycles and how to vibe with them a few years ago. It’s completely changed my life. Every new moon I sit down and write down new exciting intentions, make a vision board either on Pinterest or physically, and I’ll meditate. During the next phase of the moon, waxing, until the full moon I work on those intentions as best I can, when the full moon rises, it’s time to celebrate! I look back at the last 10-15 days and see the progress I made. Then during the waning phase I declutter, decompress, relax. When the next new moon arrives I do it all again. 

It’s sort of like having that fun fresh breath of air at the beginning and end of the year with resolutions but you get to do them every 28 days or so. I love this so much and I have no idea why I haven’t really introduced it here yet! 

Today is a new moon phase and it’s happening in the sign of Aries. I’m no expert but I am an enthusiast! Without knowing astrology you can always start new projects on a new moon with vigor. THIS new moon however is the first of the astrological year and can be powerful in setting the tone and intention for the next year! Yas!! 

I’m always setting intentions in several areas but for the purpose of this blog I’ll share what’s relevant here. Creative Unicorn Crafts is always growing. It’s currently run by just me, and I love it so much! I’m setting the intention for some new blog series for crafting fun and encouragement while continuing to add fun graphic designs to the store here and on redbubble, maybe even Etsy! If you already follow me on social media (thank you so much!!) you have likely seen this already shifting. As a creative entrepreneur I can never focus on one thing and be the niche that society begs for. It’s cool. I’m cool with it. I accept me for who I am, as I am, right now. And you should too, because you’re amazing!

Thank God it’s CraftDay!

One series I feel ready to talk about (because I need to get it moving!!) is Saturday stash busters. I’m thinking it might be mostly a monthly check in post unless I find more time but I’d like to essentially shop my craft stash. Yarn, fabric, paints, whatever! I’ll work on finishing projects and creating new ones and share my progress along the way. Friday, the day before Saturday will also now be known as Craftday. (See image above!) As a prelude to Saturday Stash buster!!

I will be doing another Adult Summer Camp Craft series this year in July. It was so much fun last year so it’s definitely one I need to repeat!!

I can make that Mondays will be coming back. Send me any inspiration you’d like me to create! Also, for the Holiday season at the end of the calendar year we’ll see a return for the third year of Handmade Holidays!

Y’all. I can’t wait for this next year and all the wonderfully fun things we’re going to create together. Let’s grow together in our craftiness!! 

-Robin, your creative unicorn!

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