I have been eyeing all the motivational painted rocks I see in people’s gardens on instagram and on pinterest. For Christmas this past year I did a little painting on rocks to make little tic-tac-toe games for my nieces. It was a huge hit for them and it was SO EASY to color on the …
How to Make a Lantern and Planter out of Popsicles
It’s time for Adult Summer Camp Crafts! I love going old school with popsicles!!! Too many exclamation points?!? Haha nope. Okay, getting into it. We couldn’t limit ourselves to one project with the popsicles so we did two! And don’t fret, we’ve got your adult cocktail at the end of this post! I found most …
How to Make a Fourth of July Summer Garland
If y’all have been around for a minute you know that I LOVE a good garland. I also love making pom poms for garlands. This Fourth of July Summer garland doesn’t disappoint! This fun garland was born from a stash buster Saturday. Follow me on Instagram or facebook to see those days in real time …
What to Expect with the New Moon in Aries
I started following the moon cycles and how to vibe with them a few years ago. It’s completely changed my life. Every new moon I sit down and write down new exciting intentions, make a vision board either on Pinterest or physically, and I’ll meditate. During the next phase of the moon, waxing, until the …
How to Make Pop Tart Hot Packs
I remember when I was a kid I’d heat up my pop tarts in the toaster and they’d be too hot to eat right away because duh, toaster, but I’d plop them on a plate and then run out to the bus stop and get on the bus. With my pop tarts on a plate. …
How to Make a Dishwasher Magnet
TBH my husband and I are actually fairly good at loading and unloading the dishwasher. But every now and then we get busy, distracted, whatever and then we’re trying to figure out if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or not. I mean, I love smelling a baby bottle when it isn’t clean, it’s …
How to Make Lip Balm the Easy Way
You know what I hate? Dry lips. Dry hands. Dry cuticles. Dry skin in general. It hurts and it’s annoying. I live in Southwest Ohio and our summers are very humid. Yet, I still find myself suffering from dry skin even then. So for me it isn’t always a time of year thing, but it …
How to make a Dry Erase Board for One Dollar
You know those women who just have it together? Maybe they’re moms, maybe they’re just CEOs, maybe they’re both? I imagine they have these beautiful large kitchens with lots of space for all the latest kitchen gadgets. They have a really cool coffee machine and actually a whole station in their kitchen dedicated to it. …
How to Make a Painting with a Projector
I have always loved art in all forms. If you have been on this website for 5 minutes and the countless recipes, knitting, sewing and other crafts weren’t clue enough haha! I remember back in high school one time we got to use a projector to project a favorite picture onto a canvas and then …
Easy How to Make Fall Sign
I love home decor! I mean, who doesn’t?! Sometimes though I’m put off from wanting to spend even $10 on a sign I’ll only leave out for a few weeks because it’s a seasonal sign. I know I’m not alone, so I was inspired for today’s how to when I saw this sign at Meijer! …