Showing: 11 - 20 of 28 RESULTS
Blog Handmade Holidays

How to Make a Rock Tic Tac Toe Set

I would say it was the other day, but it was likely a year ago when I was hanging out in a Cracker Barrel with my mom, sister and two of my nieces. They were bored so we played tic tac toe on their kids menus. I was surprised at how bad they were at …

Blog Handmade Holidays Recipes

Handmade Holidays: How to make Santa Party Mix

Friends. I’m telling you this mixture is ADDICTING. It’s chocolate covered bugles, ranch flavored popcorn, ranch Doritos, Chex and pretzels drizzled with chocolate and M&Ms. Trust me, this will be a hit in your snack display of holidays delights! Also I’ve included this in the Handmade Holidays series because you can bag up this mixure …
