I would say it was the other day, but it was likely a year ago when I was hanging out in a Cracker Barrel with my mom, sister and two of my nieces. They were bored so we played tic tac toe on their kids menus. I was surprised at how bad they were at …
How to Make Christmas Garland The Easy Way
I love that Christmas song, “Deck the Halls” it’s so upbeat and cheery! So the best way to me to kick off the 12 days of Handmade Holidays is to do just that! I wanted to deck the halls with items I already had, or would be easy to obtain! In fact, you’ll notice that …
Easy How to Make Fall Sign
I love home decor! I mean, who doesn’t?! Sometimes though I’m put off from wanting to spend even $10 on a sign I’ll only leave out for a few weeks because it’s a seasonal sign. I know I’m not alone, so I was inspired for today’s how to when I saw this sign at Meijer! …
Book Lover Crafts: How to Make Creative Bookmarks
When I was 6 I was in Kindergarten. I remember all I wanted to do was learn to read because I knew there was power in reading. I wouldn’t have to wait for my mom to read me a story, I could just read it for myself. That fall I was at my grandmother’s house …
Christmas in July: How to make Cake Mix Cookies
When I was twenty I got really into making cookies and working on baking the perfect cookie. While I loved making them I also loved giving them to family and friends for when they’d travel for a vacation. It felt so quaint and 1950’s 😍 One time my mom, dad and brother were going to …
Christmas in July: How to make Peppermint Ornaments
Y’all know I love a simple craft and this one is simple and can be done WAY before Christmas because it requires things you can buy at any time! I used peppermint candies but I believe you can use any hard candy if you’re wanting a solid other color- either circle candies or maybe jolly …
Handmade Holidays: How to make a gift tag ornament
Now that you’ve made all the other 11 gifts you’ll need something to let those you love know it’s for them – how about a gift tag that doubles as an ornament?! This idea can grow in so many ways but today I show you two options! Option one would be making an ornament in …
Handmade Holidays: How to make Santa Party Mix
Friends. I’m telling you this mixture is ADDICTING. It’s chocolate covered bugles, ranch flavored popcorn, ranch Doritos, Chex and pretzels drizzled with chocolate and M&Ms. Trust me, this will be a hit in your snack display of holidays delights! Also I’ve included this in the Handmade Holidays series because you can bag up this mixure …
Handmade Holidays: Easy How to make Candles
Last year I really wanted to learn to make candles and I watched so many videos and read blogs and not to dilute the craft and art that is candle making but it can get really complicated. This post and tutorial is how I make candles – the easy way! I did include links for …
Handmade Holidays: How to cut glass bottles and jars
Okay so I’ve always wanted to know how to cut glass and make my glass bottles and jars be repurposed into vases and candles. Enter a glass cutter! This page contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Bottle Cutter & Glass Cutter Bundle – DIY Machine …