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Blog Handmade Holidays

How to Make Christmas Garland The Easy Way

I love that Christmas song, “Deck the Halls” it’s so upbeat and cheery! So the best way to me to kick off the 12 days of Handmade Holidays is to do just that! I wanted to deck the halls with items I already had, or would be easy to obtain! In fact, you’ll notice that …

Blog Handmade Holidays Recipes

Handmade Holidays: How to make Santa Party Mix

Friends. I’m telling you this mixture is ADDICTING. It’s chocolate covered bugles, ranch flavored popcorn, ranch Doritos, Chex and pretzels drizzled with chocolate and M&Ms. Trust me, this will be a hit in your snack display of holidays delights! Also I’ve included this in the Handmade Holidays series because you can bag up this mixure …
