Now that we’ve all experienced and lived through how to make Mosaic Stepping Stones, we’re basically BFFs and need to commemorate it in some way. But how could we do that?! Tattoos seem too risky, and pricking our toes and becoming blood brothers like they do in Harriet the Spy seems too extreme and unsanitary and kinda dangerous actually… Ya know. Let’s go with a classic. The good ole friendship bracelet!

Now in my opinion any bracelet you make to give to a friend has been done right since it’s the thought and the gift of the bracelet itself. BUT there are several classic, standard versions for friendship bracelets and today I will show you how to make two versions! Actually I’ll take this moment to tell you that you can even braid some embroidery floss (two strands, two strands and two strands) and that’d make a pretty great bracelet too. There, now there’s three ways.

First you’ll need to gather your supplies. You’ll need embroidery floss in a variety of colors, scissors to cut your embroidery floss, tape to hold your bracelet in waiting down and any beads you might want to add.

Amazon has a great deal on embroidery floss and I recommend it, it’s great! I am an Amazon Associate so if you make a qualifying purchase from my link I’ll receive a small commission.

Embroidery Floss Rainbow Color 50 Skeins Per Pack Cross Stitch Threads Friendship Bracelets Floss Crafts Floss

The first bracelet – or actually the second since we’ve already gone over braiding – is called a Chinese ladder. This is the first one I learned back in the 90’s and It’s still one of my favorites because I LOVE the swirl! I’m also a big fan of using multiple colors. I do think if you’re using between 4-5 strands (can all be different colors if you want) it gives it a good thickness.

You will want to get 4-5 strands of embroidery floss that is between 24-30″ depending on the length of bracelet you want. If you decide to make a necklace, just use a longer length. I prefer to err on the side of too much floss than not enough. Take your strands and tie a knot at the very end, then 2-2.5″ down from that tie another knot. (This is not pictured below for this example, but it is for the next bracelet! Do as I say not as I did!) This will allow you to have string available to tie the bracelet on with. (See! I had a hard time with this one!) I’ll also describe how to make a sliding square knot.

Begin your Chinese ladder by choosing one strand and make the number 4 with it, the tail will go OVER the strands not being worked. Then you will take the tail and loop it back towards the non working strands and go UNDER them, a knot is being formed now and you will want to pull this to the top and give it a little tug so it’s nice and tight. Repeat this process until you’re reached your desired length with your bracelet, keeping in mind the finishing steps. To switch colors simply just grab a new color and continue knotting the way you were!

To finish your Chinese ladder, you’ll want to make a knot in the same fashion you did for starting. Then 2-2.5″ further down from that knot create another knot. This will allow you to either pull your bracelet on with a square knot slide or, give you room to tie it onto your wrist – or your besties wrist! (pictured after square knot bracelet!)

The third bracelet you’ll learn is to make a square knot bracelet. This in my opinion, is a handy stitch/knot to know because if you ever travel, camp, whatever, having one of those paracord bracelets that have been made either by you or a sporting goods company, is really great.

I have a little mantra, or saying I say when I’m doing a square knot, it’s OVER, OVER, UNDER, THROUGH. This is because you take your first strand (left side) and go OVER the middle strands – that will never be worked – then your other strand (right side) will go OVER the previous strand, and then UNDER the middle strands to then go THROUGH the loop created by the first strand worked. Then the process is repeated but starting with the other strand going first.

I also have a hard time remembering which side I just started the knot before, since you alternate sides, an I realized whichever side has this knot on top, the strand coming out of it is the strand that goes first in the sequence.

When adding beads you simple slide them on the middle strands and create one complete square knot in between them (you’ve started both sides one time)

To create a sliding square knot you simple tie a piece of string onto both ends as the bracelet lies in a circle and then you begin to perform a square knot. Usually 5-7 square knots will do the trick, tie your ends in a double knot and you’re done!

I hope you guys enjoyed making friendship bracelets with me! I mean, I did! I’ve got a lot more to make and I’ve having WAY too much fun doing this! I spent so many hours making these when I was kid! Speaking of kids, the drink for this craft is a Shirley Temple! But you can also make it a Dirty Shirley by adding some vodka!

Dirty Shirley/Shirley Temple

Serving Size:


  • 1 Can of Sprite or other Lemon-Lime soda (can also be club soda)
  • 2 oz of Grenadine (more if you prefer more flavor)
  • Ice
  • 1-2 oz Vodka – if going the dirty route!


  1. Fill your glass with ice and add your grenadine
  2. If adding alcohol, add the 1-2 oz of it now
  3. Fill the rest of your glass with Sprite
  4. Grab your fun straw and enjoy!

I hope you guys enjoyed making friendship bracelets and having some Shirley’s with me! I know I had fun!! I can’t wait to make more, these would make such a fun addition to a birthday or Christmas gift! I hope you’ll join me tomorrow where we will be using the skills we learned today to craft something entirely different!!!


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