I love recycling! I love crafting! I love succulents! What about you? If yes, this project is perfect for you!!! I’m not a super green thumb person so I did decide to use my plant pots for succulents, and honestly the size of them was perfect for this project!

I’m getting right into it! The supplies you’ll need are glass paint- I bought mine from Michael’s craft store, paint brushes or foam brushes and plastic soda pop bottles that have been cleaned and de-labeled. Also scissors or a box cutter to cut your bottles.

Once my bottles were cleaned and cut I laid out my paint. A tip on cutting, I used those kitchen scissors, it wasn’t easy but basically I tried to pinch the bottle so it was more flat and I’d get a hole punch in or a slice cut to start cutting around. I didn’t worry about making it a straight cut, I figured a wobbly line would enhance the cuteness!

It didn’t take super long for them to dry, and I had planned on adding faces or eyes to them to bring them more to life but in the end I actually liked this effect a lot. Also in hindsight I maybe should have sealed these with mod podge because I will be watering my plants, but I can also remove the plants since they’re still in little cups.

I bought my succulents at IKEA and they were the exact size I needed. For my green/teal planter with the pink dots I actually left it in the ceramic pot it came in. For the other two I did remove them from their ceramic planters for a better fit!

Like I want to make a million of these.

Onto the drink!! I know my theme for the drinks has been simplicity, this one is very simple! It’s a peach mango lemonade! I bought a peach mango V8 juice and used my lemonade and did half and half! I did jazz it up by adding some peach rings so I just made it more sugary. My 2 year had a drink of it and loved it so much I made some for him. Was it too much sugar? Probably but he’s fine 😅

Pouring order doesn’t matter but I did lemonade and then the peach mango. Also the peach rings did not float so if you want them to appear floating you’ll need to fill your drink up with ice and smoosh your peach rings in there 😂

As always I hope y’all enjoyed todays craft!!! It’s really fun and relaxing to make! If you enjoyed this ad free post please consider buying me a coffee so I can continue to keep this going in an ad free way!

Tomorrows craft is jawesome so I can’t wait to share it!!!! See ya then!

Xoxo – Robin

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