So I return to my 9-5 tomorrow after being on maternity leave for the last 9 weeks. It’s been so wonderful to be at home with my little one so tomorrow will be a bittersweet day. During the nap times when I wasn’t napping or loading the dishwasher I found myself working behind the scenes of Creative Unicorn Crafts to improve the site and functionality. I also watched a lot of youtube videos for entrepreneurs and was inspired to expand what I offered on the website – thus the clothing line was started!

My assistant fell asleep while we worked on a skirt order!

It’s no secret to those who know me here or in real life that I love knitting and other crafts so for a majority of the designs right now, they’ll be themed towards crafting. I know I’ll continue to expand to include other things that I love like camping, cats, and drinking wine haha.

I did create a series of St. Patrick’s Day items and they’re complete with shamrocks made of yarn!

Another Favorite are these pants with yarn on them – available in leggings and sweatpants!

What do y’all think? Do you like the redesign and the crafty offerings you’re seeing? I’m already working on crafty mother’s day items that should be up next weekend! Let me know if there is a theme you’d love to see!


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