Showing: 61 - 70 of 89 RESULTS
Blog Camper Series

Camper Mondays: How we installed a new countertop

So now that Dolly has newly painted cabinets and a fresh new canvas it was time to move onto the countertops and the table. I knew I wanted a new countertop because I wasn’t going to keep the gas stove. I thought a bit more counter space in such a small camper would be better! …

Blog Handmade Holidays Recipes

Handmade Holidays: How to make Santa Party Mix

Friends. I’m telling you this mixture is ADDICTING. It’s chocolate covered bugles, ranch flavored popcorn, ranch Doritos, Chex and pretzels drizzled with chocolate and M&Ms. Trust me, this will be a hit in your snack display of holidays delights! Also I’ve included this in the Handmade Holidays series because you can bag up this mixure …
