When I was twenty I got really into making cookies and working on baking the perfect cookie. While I loved making them I also loved giving them to family and friends for when they’d travel for a vacation. It felt so quaint and 1950’s 😍 One time my mom, dad and brother were going to …
Christmas in July: How to make Peppermint Ornaments
Y’all know I love a simple craft and this one is simple and can be done WAY before Christmas because it requires things you can buy at any time! I used peppermint candies but I believe you can use any hard candy if you’re wanting a solid other color- either circle candies or maybe jolly …
Summer Camp Crafts: How to Tie Dye Shirts
OF COURSE we’re ending this week of fun crafts with tie dyeing! I mean, we’ve come together through the struggles of mosaic stepping stones, made friendship bracelets because we’re BFF’s, made macrame plant holders to bring zen into our homes and bedazzled our pens so office life can be a little more exciting. The only …
Summer Camp Crafts: How to Bedazzle Your Office Supplies
Several years ago, like 8 years ago I had just moved back in with my parents after living on my own for the previous three. I was sad to put all my stuff that I had curated for my home/apartment into storage and I was truly, “living the dream” since I moved into their basement. …
Summer Camp Crafts: How to Make a Macrame Plant Holder
When we go to build our house (I’m working on manifesting this dream) we’re going to have a full basement. Right now we just have a partial basement and our house is using EVERY BIT of our 850 sq feet of upstairs space and just about every bit of that partial basement. I dream of …
Summer Camp Crafts: How to Make Friendship Bracelets
Now that we’ve all experienced and lived through how to make Mosaic Stepping Stones, we’re basically BFFs and need to commemorate it in some way. But how could we do that?! Tattoos seem too risky, and pricking our toes and becoming blood brothers like they do in Harriet the Spy seems too extreme and unsanitary …
Summer Camp Crafts: How to Make Mosaic Stepping Stones
Welcome to Adult Summer Camp! We will be focusing on a small area of summer camp activities: crafts and drinking! I realize that in traditional, children summer camp, they have crafts and snacks, but we’re doing this as an adult take! I have included mocktails for each day also, so if you’re pregnant, or not …
I Can Make That Mondays: Replicate a Coach Purse
I can make that Mondays are all about inspiration and this week’s challenge I was inspired by a Coach purse I saw on the Coach Outlet store. Some of my first projects that I sewed without help from my mom in my teen years were purses. Actually that’s mostly what I made at first before …
I Can Make That Mondays: How to Knit a Pillow
I finished this challenge late today. I spent the Holiday weekend mostly inside because there is a heat wave going on and it’s pretty opressive outside. Fortunately I do live in Cincinnati where our heat wave is normal for this time of year as we experience temperatures in the 90s. I really feel and my …
How to Tranform a Dress to a Skirt Tutorial
There’s still a few days left in the month of my birth, and I usually celebrate by making myself a new dress or buying a new dress (whichever I have time or money for!) Yesterday I was at Meijer and was itchin to find a good deal on a dress as I still hadn’t gifted …